For more information, please visit the Rebel Recycling Program website.

north exterior

ARC: Paul B. Sogg Architecture Building

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near the restrooms.
northeast exterior entrance

BEH: Frank and Estella Beam Hall

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near the restrooms.
southwest exterior entrance

BHS: Rod Lee Bigelow Health Sciences

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near room 135.
northeast exterior entrance

BPB: Robert L. Bigelow Physics

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near restrooms and room 120., Second floor, near restrooms and room 221.
northeast exterior entrance

BSL: William S. Boyd School of Law

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near room 102.
northeast exterior

CEB: William D. Carlson Education

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near restrooms and vending machines.
northeast exterior

CHB-C: Carol C. Harter Classroom Building Complex - Building C

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near restrooms and elevators.
north exterior entrance

CHE: Chemistry Building

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near women's restroom.
southeast exterior

CSB: Campus Services Building

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near room 138, through double doors.

DAY: Dayton Complex

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near building entrance.
northwest exterior entrance

FDH: Flora Dungan Humanities

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near women's restroom.
north exterior entrance

FMA: Facilities Management Administration

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: Near restrooms.
southeast exterior courtyard

HFA: Alta Ham Fine Arts

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near men's restroom.
southeast exterior

HWB: Herman Westfall Building

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near men's restroom.
southwest exterior entrance

JBT: Judy Bayley Theatre

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: Downstairs locker rooms, near room 53.
northeast exterior

LFG: Lilly Fong Geoscience

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near women's restroom.
East Exterior Entrance

LLB: Lied Library

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near restrooms., Second floor, near restrooms.

MPE-B: Paul McDermott Physical Education - Building B

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: Near the Lied Gymnasium.

MPE-E: Paul McDermott Physical Education - Building E

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: Next to the Boxing Gym (room 319).
Southeast Exterior

PKG-1: Cottage Grove Parking Garage

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near east elevator.
building exterior

RLL: Beverly Rogers Literature and Law Building

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: Second floor, across from restrooms.
north exterior

RWC: Student Recreation & Wellness Center

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near locker rooms, Second floor, across from basketball courts
southwest exterior entrance

SFB: Stan Fulton Building - International Gaming Institute

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: Near west entrance, across from elevators.

SLC-A: Shadow Lane Dental School

1001 Shadow Ln.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89106-4124
Station Locations: First floor, near dental history case (public)., First floor, near restrooms (not public)., Second floor, across from room 213B (not public)., Second floor, across from elevator (not public).

SLC-B: Shadow Lane Biotech Research

1001 Shadow Ln.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89106-4124
Station Locations: Second floor, across from room 201, near the restrooms., Second floor, across from room 211 (not public).

SLC-D: Shadow Lane Advanced Dental Education

1001 Shadow Ln.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89106-4124
Station Locations: First floor, near restrooms and elevators.
southeast exterior

SU: Student Union

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First, second, third floors - near restrooms
east exterior

TAC: Richard Tam Alumni Center

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near restrooms.
southwest exterior

TON: Tonopah Residence Complex

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: First floor, near women's restroom.
South Exterior

WHI: Juanita Greer White Life Sciences

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: Inside the natatorium, next to room 141.
building exterior

WRI-C: John S. Wright Hall - Building C

4505 S. Maryland Pkwy.
51吃瓜网免费App, NV 89154
Station Locations: