Nevada INBRE, part of the IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence, is a National Institutes of Health (NIH) program designed to help traditionally underfunded states build biomedical infrastructure. Nevada INBRE also works with NSHE partner institutions to promote biomedical research knowledge and educational opportunities across the state of Nevada via biomedical and science pipeline programs.


Student Training Programs

Undergraduates from all NSHE institutes are eligible to participate in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) – a ten-week research experience for students to participate in faculty laboratories and develop their own research project. This experience culminates with undergraduate poster session and at the NV INBRE Statewide Annual Meeting in August. 

Biomedical Pipeline Programs

These programs are occurring at College of Southern Nevada, Nevada State College, Great Basin College, Sierra Nevada College, Western Nevada College, and Truckee Meadows Community College can apply for programs focused on building college preparedness and career awareness, and overall, success. 

Research Projects

Developmental Research Projects

The DRP Program is a mentored career development program intended to advance the careers of Nevada researchers in biomedical sciences. The program provides research funding and a mentored pathway of milestones leading to publication submission of an NIH R-type grant proposal or equivalent proposal (NSF, American Heart Association, etc.). The project duration is 2 years, with the second year of funding contingent on the completion of all year 1 milestones. Direct costs up to $75,000 per year may be requested. For detailed information and application information, please see the DRP Funding Announcement. 

Pilot Grants

The Pilot Grant (PG) Program is a funding mechanism to engage faculty members and staff at NV INBRE Partner Institutions in research that will address biomedical sciences, increase the culture of research at these institutions, and provide research opportunities for undergraduate students. The duration of the project is up to 1 year and direct costs up to $10,000 may be requested.