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Acrobat PDFMaker 22 for Word
FY 2022 HEERF Quarterly Report (PDF)
US Department of Education
Adobe PDF Library 22.1.149
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13 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 0 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4097/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 438.606 324.691 525.884 339.571]/Subtype/Widget/T(total a2)/TU(Quarterly Expenditures for Each Program)/Type/Annot/V(67591.48)>>
14 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 0 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4097/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 527.811 324.182 615.088 339.062]/Subtype/Widget/T(total a3)/TU(Quarterly Expenditures for Each Program)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
15 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 0 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 1/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 343.56 306.385 756.24 323.185]/Subtype/Widget/T(Total of Quarterly Expenditures)/TU(Total of Quarterly Expenditures)/Type/Annot/V(633278.34)>>
16 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4097/P 218 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 466.625 611.88 488.225]/Subtype/Widget/T(Total a1 funds)/TU(Total \(a\)\(1\) funds)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
17 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4097/P 218 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 443.105 611.88 464.825]/Subtype/Widget/T(Total a2 funds)/TU(Total \(a\)\(2\) funds)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
18 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 1/P 218 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 419.705 611.88 441.305]/Subtype/Widget/T(Total a3 funds)/TU(Total \(a\)\(3\) funds)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
19 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 0 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 1/P 218 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 397.56 611.88 419.4]/Subtype/Widget/T(TOTAL HEERF)/TU(TOTAL HEERF)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
20 0 obj
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<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 118.845 499 394.569 523.48]/Subtype/Widget/T(Institution Name)/TU(Institution Name)/Type/Annot/V(51Թܿƴ)>>
26 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 154.351 471.675 242.403 496.748]/Subtype/Widget/T(PRAward Numbers P425E)/TU(PR/Award Number\(s\): P425E)/Type/Annot/V(20040)>>
27 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 284.401 474.641 372.213 493.188]/Subtype/Widget/T(P425F)/TU(P425F)/Type/Annot/V(200713)>>
28 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 408.907 473.454 496.185 494.375]/Subtype/Widget/T(P425J)/TU(P425J)/Type/Annot>>
29 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 534.47 474.641 618.782 494.968]/Subtype/Widget/T(P425K)/TU(P425K)/Type/Annot>>
30 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 657.767 474.641 746.824 492.595]/Subtype/Widget/T(P425L)/TU(P425L)/Type/Annot/V(200073)>>
31 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 149.044 448.458 233.476 468.192]/Subtype/Widget/T(P425M)/TU(P425M)/Type/Annot>>
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<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 276.587 449.131 363.272 468.865]/Subtype/Widget/T(P425N)/TU(P425N)/Type/Annot>>
33 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 407.131 448.538 493.696 467.679]/Subtype/Widget/T(P425Q)/TU(P425Q)/Type/Annot>>
34 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 535.627 448.538 620.059 467.679]/Subtype/Widget/T(P425S)/TU(P425S)/Type/Annot>>
35 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 660.464 449.292 750.235 467.407]/Subtype/Widget/T(P425T)/TU(P425T)/Type/Annot>>
36 0 obj
<>/N<>>>/AS/Off/DA(/ZaDb 0 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 96.8763 418.963 105.736 426.675]/Subtype/Widget/T(Final Report)/TU(Final Report)/Type/Annot>>
37 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 310.707 388.949 370.959 404.485]/Subtype/Widget/T(Total Amount of Institutional Funds Awarded Section a1)/TU(Total Amount of Institutional Funds Awarded: Section \(a\)\(1)/Type/Annot/V(72511888)>>
38 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 433.812 390.635 492.151 404.648]/Subtype/Widget/T(Section a2)/TU(Section \(a\)\(2)/Type/Annot/V(9095888)>>
39 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 562.028 387.763 627.668 403.77]/Subtype/Widget/T(Section a3)/TU(Section \(a\)\(3)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
40 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 293.094 376.064 359.842 387.372]/Subtype/Widget/T(Total Amount of Student Funds Awarded Section a1)/TU(Total Amount of Student Funds Awarded: Section \(a\)\(1)/Type/Annot/V($57,078,930.69)>>
41 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 426.714 373.383 492.474 387.183]/Subtype/Widget/T(Section a4)/TU(Section \(a\)\(4)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
42 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 240 0 R /Rect[ 395.52 249.24 478.2 300.6]/Subtype/Widget/T(Undergraduates2What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants this quarter)/TU(Undergraduates2_What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants this quarter?)/Type/Annot/V($59,649.00)>>
43 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 240 0 R /Rect[ 480.96 249.24 734.76 300.6]/Subtype/Widget/T(GraduatesWhat was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants this quarter)/TU(Graduates_What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants this quarter?)/Type/Annot/V($22,500.00)>>
44 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 240 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 183.48 392.76 247.44]/Subtype/Widget/T(Total studentsWhat was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants to date using HEERF)/TU(Total students_What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants to date using HEERF?)/Type/Annot/V($32,145,567.00)>>
45 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 240 0 R /Rect[ 395.52 183.48 478.2 247.44]/Subtype/Widget/T(Undergraduates2What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants to date using HEERF)/TU(Undergraduates2_What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants to date using HEERF?)/Type/Annot/V($26,744,282.00)>>
46 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 240 0 R /Rect[ 480.96 183.978 734.76 247.938]/Subtype/Widget/T(GraduatesWhat was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants to date using HEERF)/TU(Graduates_What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants to date using HEERF?)/Type/Annot/V($5,401,285.00)>>
47 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 258.72 347.52 423.6 360.24]/Subtype/Widget/T(Calendar year 2022a1 Institutional Portion)/TU(Calendar year 2022_\(a\)\(1\) Institutional Portion)/Type/Annot/V(10000000)>>
48 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 424.92 347.52 589.68 360.24]/Subtype/Widget/T(Calendar year 2023a1 Institutional Portion)/TU(Calendar year 2023_\(a\)\(1\) Institutional Portion)/Type/Annot/V(1906307.41)>>
49 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 591 347.52 755.76 360.24]/Subtype/Widget/T(Calendar year 2024a1 Institutional Portion)/TU(Calendar year 2024_\(a\)\(1\) Institutional Portion)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
50 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 258.72 333.6 423.6 346.44]/Subtype/Widget/T(Calendar year 2022a2 HBCUs TCCUs MSIs SIP)/TU(Calendar year 2022_\(a\)\(2\) HBCUs, TCCUs, MSIs, SIP)/Type/Annot/V(1000000)>>
51 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 424.92 333.6 589.68 346.44]/Subtype/Widget/T(Calendar year 2023a2 HBCUs TCCUs MSIs SIP)/TU(Calendar year 2023_\(a\)\(2\) HBCUs, TCCUs, MSIs, SIP)/Type/Annot/V(350293.08)>>
52 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 591 333.6 755.76 346.44]/Subtype/Widget/T(Calendar year 2024a2 HBCUs TCCUs MSIs SIP)/TU(Calendar year 2024_\(a\)\(2\) HBCUs, TCCUs, MSIs, SIP)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
53 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 258.72 319.68 423.6 332.52]/Subtype/Widget/T(Calendar year 2022a3 FIPSE SAIHE and SSARP)/TU(Calendar year 2022_\(a\)\(3\) FIPSE, SAIHE, and SSARP)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
54 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 424.92 319.68 589.68 332.52]/Subtype/Widget/T(Calendar year 2023a3 FIPSE SAIHE and SSARP)/TU(Calendar year 2023_\(a\)\(3\) FIPSE, SAIHE, and SSARP)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
55 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 591 319.68 755.76 332.52]/Subtype/Widget/T(Calendar year 2024a3 FIPSE SAIHE and SSARP)/TU(Calendar year 2024_\(a\)\(3\) FIPSE, SAIHE, and SSARP)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
56 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 414.785 611.88 436.505]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountAcademic sources)/TU(Estimated Amount_Academic sources)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
57 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 614.16 415.283 715.32 437.003]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesAcademic sources)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Academic sources)/Type/Annot>>
58 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 511.32 376.865 611.4 412.505]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountUnpaid student accounts receivable or other student account debts including tuition fees and institutional charges)/TU(Estimated Amount_Unpaid student accounts receivable or other student account debts \(including tuition, fees, and institutional charges\))/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
59 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 614.64 377.363 714.84 413.003]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesUnpaid student accounts receivable or other student account debts including tuition fees and institutional charges)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Unpaid student accounts receivable or other student account debts \(including tuition, fees, and institutional charges\))/Type/Annot>>
60 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 353.345 611.88 375.065]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountRoom and board)/TU(Estimated Amount_Room and board)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
61 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 614.16 353.843 715.32 375.563]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesRoom and board)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Room and board)/Type/Annot>>
62 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 329.825 611.88 351.545]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountEnrollment declines including reduced tuition fees and institutional charges)/TU(Estimated Amount_Enrollment declines, including reduced tuition, fees, and institutional charges)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
63 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 614.16 330.323 715.32 352.043]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesEnrollment declines including reduced tuition fees and institutional charges)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Enrollment declines, including reduced tuition, fees, and institutional charges)/Type/Annot>>
64 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 306.305 611.88 328.025]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountSupported research)/TU(Estimated Amount_Supported research)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
65 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 614.16 307.302 715.32 329.022]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesSupported research)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Supported research)/Type/Annot>>
66 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 282.905 611.88 304.505]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountSummer terms and camps)/TU(Estimated Amount_Summer terms and camps)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
67 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 614.16 283.902 715.32 305.502]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesSummer terms and camps)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Summer terms and camps)/Type/Annot>>
68 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 511.338 259.505 612.378 281.105]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountAuxiliary services sources)/TU(Estimated Amount_Auxiliary services sources)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
69 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 614.16 260.502 715.32 282.102]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesAuxiliary services sources)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Auxiliary services sources)/Type/Annot>>
70 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 235.985 611.88 257.705]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountCancelled ancillary events)/TU(Estimated Amount_Cancelled ancillary events)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
71 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 614.16 236.982 715.32 258.702]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesCancelled ancillary events)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Cancelled ancillary events)/Type/Annot>>
72 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 212.465 611.88 234.185]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountDisruption of food service)/TU(Estimated Amount_Disruption of food service)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
73 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 614.16 213.462 715.32 235.182]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesDisruption of food service)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Disruption of food service)/Type/Annot>>
74 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 188.945 611.88 210.665]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountDormitory services)/TU(Estimated Amount_Dormitory services)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
75 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 614.16 189.942 715.32 211.662]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesDormitory services)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Dormitory services)/Type/Annot>>
76 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 165.425 611.88 187.145]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountChildcare services)/TU(Estimated Amount_Childcare services)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
77 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 614.16 166.422 715.32 188.142]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesChildcare services)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Childcare services)/Type/Annot>>
78 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 511.32 113.603 611.4 163.643]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountUse of facilities or venues including external events such as weddings receptions or conferences other than facilities associated with sectarian instruction or religious worship)/TU(Estimated Amount_Use of facilities or venues, including external events such as weddings, receptions, or conferences \(other than facilities associated with sectarian instruction or religious worship\))/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
79 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 614.64 114.6 714.84 164.64]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesUse of facilities or venues including external events such as weddings receptions or conferences other than facilities associated with sectarian instruction or religious worship)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Use of facilities or venues, including external events such as weddings, receptions, or conferences \(other than facilities associated with sectarian instruction or religious worship\))/Type/Annot>>
80 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 90.0831 611.88 111.803]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountBookstore revenue)/TU(Estimated Amount_Bookstore revenue)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
81 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 614.16 91.08 715.32 112.8]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesBookstore revenue)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Bookstore revenue)/Type/Annot>>
82 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 260 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 67.1815 611.88 88.7815]/Subtype/Widget/T(Estimated AmountParking revenue)/TU(Estimated Amount_Parking revenue)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
83 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 260 0 R /Q 1/Rect[ 614.16 67.68 715.32 89.28]/Subtype/Widget/T(Explanatory NotesParking revenue)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Parking revenue)/Type/Annot>>
84 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(March 31)/F 4/FT/Ch/Ff 131072/I[ 3]/MK<>/Opt[(March 31)(June 30)(September 30)(December 31)]/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 672.547 498.699 750.528 514.213]/Subtype/Widget/T(Dropdown1)/Type/Annot/V(December 31)>>
85 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 292 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 360.12 392.76 560.16]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balance upon receiving affirmative written consent from students to do so If funds were not used for this purpose report 0 Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E63652075706F6E20726563656976696E672061666669726D6174697665207772697474656E20636F6E73656E742066726F6D2073747564656E747320746F20646F20736F3F2049662066756E64732077657265206E6F74207573656420666F72207468697320707572706F73652C207265706F72742024302E20496E636C756465206F6E6C7920616D6F756E747320746861742062656E6566697465642073747564656E74732077686F20646964206469726563746C79207265636569766520456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E74732E>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
86 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 292 0 R /Rect[ 394.8 305.963 477.95 358.403]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants)/TU(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants?)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
87 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 292 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 171.12 392.76 304.08]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balances If funds were not used for this purpose report 0 Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E6365733F2049662066756E64732077657265206E6F74207573656420666F72207468697320707572706F73652C207265706F72742024302E20496E636C756465206F6E6C7920616D6F756E747320746861742062656E6566697465642073747564656E74732077686F20646964206469726563746C79207265636569766520456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E74732E>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
88 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 292 0 R /Rect[ 394.8 104.021 478.448 169.901]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants If funds were not used for this purpose report 0)/TU(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
89 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 427.2 392.76 560.16]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balances If funds were not used for this purpose report 0 Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants_2)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E6365733F2049662066756E64732077657265206E6F74207573656420666F72207468697320707572706F73652C207265706F72742024302E20496E636C756465206F6E6C7920616D6F756E747320746861742062656E6566697465642073747564656E74732077686F20646964206469726563746C79207265636569766520456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E74732E>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
90 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 394.302 360.942 477.95 426.702]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants If funds were not used for this purpose report 0_2)/TU(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
91 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 198 392.76 357.84]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balances If funds were not used for this purpose report 0 Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants_3)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E6365733F2049662066756E64732077657265206E6F74207573656420666F72207468697320707572706F73652C207265706F72742024302E20496E636C756465206F6E6C7920616D6F756E747320746861742062656E6566697465642073747564656E74732077686F20646964206469726563746C79207265636569766520456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E74732E>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
92 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 76.08 392.76 128.52]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balance)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E6365>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
93 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 306 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 467.04 392.76 506.04]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of grants disbursed to students through all HEERF funds)/TU(What was the amount of grants disbursed to students through all HEERF funds?)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
94 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 306 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 412.8 392.76 465.24]/Subtype/Widget/T(Among students who received HEERF emergency financial aid grants what was the average award amount per student)/TU(Among students who received HEERF emergency financial aid grants, what was the average award amount per student?)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
95 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/MaxLen 1000/P 248 0 R /Rect[ 162.488 406.578 718.21 486.894]/Subtype/Widget/T(Text2)/Type/Annot>>
96 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 218 0 R /Rect[ 510.342 536.945 611.382 558.665]/Subtype/Widget/T(Lease revenue)/TU(Lease revenue)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
97 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 218 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 513.545 611.88 535.145]/Subtype/Widget/T(Royalties)/TU(Royalties)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
98 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 218 0 R /Rect[ 510.84 490.025 611.88 511.745]/Subtype/Widget/T(Other operating revenue)/TU(Other operating revenue)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
99 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 240 0 R /Rect[ 537.307 488.819 611.047 500.85]/Subtype/Widget/T(Text4)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
100 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 51.3626 304.004 703.78 326.004]/Subtype/Widget/T(Text5)/Type/Annot/V(/coronavirus/students/cares)>>
101 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 225 0 R /Rect[ 473.674 497.23 549.954 515.671]/Subtype/Widget/T(Date6_af_date)/Type/Annot/V(1/10/23)>>
102 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Rect[ 343.8 201.6 436.08 227.52]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 1)/TU(Amount in \(a\)\(1\) institutional dollars_Providing additional emergency financial aid grants to students.4)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
103 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Rect[ 344.658 160.8 436.218 199.8]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 2)/TU(Amount in \(a\)\(1\) institutional dollars_Covering student outstanding account balances for costs such as debt forgiveness, room, board, tuition, or fees.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
104 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Rect[ 343.8 133.44 436.08 159.36]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 3)/TU(Amount in \(a\)\(1\) institutional dollars_Indirect cost recovery/facilities and administrative costs charged on the grants.)/Type/Annot/V(0117864.78)>>
105 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 344.16 521.778 435.72 560.658]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 4)/TU(Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
106 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 343.8 494.418 436.08 520.338]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 5)/TU(Providing or subsidizing the costs of high-speed internet to students or faculty to transition to an online environment.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
107 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 343.338 413.298 436.848 493.698]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 6)/TU(or decisions to limit housing to one student per room; subsidizing)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
108 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 344.16 372.498 435.72 411.498]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 7)/TU(Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre-packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
109 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 344.16 331.818 435.72 370.698]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 8)/TU(Costs related to operating additional class sections to enable social distancing, such as those for hiring more instructors and increasing campus hours of operations.)/Type/Annot/V(054990.05)>>
110 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 344.16 264.138 435.72 330.018]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 9)/TU(Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional instructional equipment and supplies \(such as laboratory equipment or computers\) to reduce the number of students sharing equipment or supplies during a single class period and to provide time for disinfection between uses.)/Type/Annot/V(0185080.73)>>
111 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 344.16 223.458 435.72 262.338]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 10)/TU(Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities.)/Type/Annot/V(012255.68)>>
112 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 344.16 166.458 435.72 205.458]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 12)/TU(Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional equipment or software to enable distance learning, or upgrading campus wi-fi access or extending open networks to parking lots or public spaces, etc.)/Type/Annot/V(028803.22)>>
113 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 342.84 481.08 435.353 561.24]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 14)/TU(students to care; and investing in community services and creating)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
114 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 343.8 138.978 436.08 165.018]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 13)/TU(Implementing evidence-based practices to monitor and suppress coronavirus in accordance with public health guidelines.6)/Type/Annot/V(0166692.40)>>
115 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 344.16 413.4 435.72 479.28]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 15)/TU(Conducting direct outreach to financial aid applicants about the opportunity to receive a financial aid adjustment due to the recent unemployment of a family member or independent student, or other circumstances, described in section 479A of the Higher Education Act of 1965.8)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
116 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 343.92 377.04 435.96 411.323]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 16)/TU(Replacing lost revenue from all sources.9)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
117 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 343.92 340.56 435.96 374.843]/Subtype/Widget/T(a1 17)/TU(Other Uses of \(a\)\(1\) Institutional Portion funds.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
118 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Rect[ 438.12 202.098 526.2 228.018]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 1)/TU(Amount in \(a\)\(2\) dollars, if applicable_Providing additional emergency financial aid grants to students.4)/Type/Annot/V(16472)>>
119 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Rect[ 438.978 160.8 526.338 199.8]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 2)/TU(Amount in \(a\)\(2\) dollars, if applicable_Covering student outstanding account balances for costs such as debt forgiveness, room, board, tuition, or fees.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
120 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Rect[ 438.12 133.44 526.2 159.36]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 3)/TU(Amount in \(a\)\(2\) dollars, if applicable_Indirect cost recovery/facilities and administrative costs charged on the grants.)/Type/Annot/V(013161.46)>>
121 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 437.682 494.426 524.977 520.346]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 5)/TU(Providing or subsidizing the costs of high-speed internet to students or faculty to transition to an online environment.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
122 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 437.718 413.306 525.746 493.706]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 6)/TU(or decisions to limit housing to one student per room; subsidizing)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
123 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 438.042 372.506 525.116 411.506]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 7)/TU(Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre-packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
124 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 438.042 331.826 525.116 370.706]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 8)/TU(Costs related to operating additional class sections to enable social distancing, such as those for hiring more instructors and increasing campus hours of operations.)/Type/Annot/V(023098.89)>>
125 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 438.042 264.146 525.116 330.026]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 9)/TU(Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional instructional equipment and supplies \(such as laboratory equipment or computers\) to reduce the number of students sharing equipment or supplies during a single class period and to provide time for disinfection between uses.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
126 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 438.042 223.466 524.617 262.346]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 10)/TU(Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities.)/Type/Annot/V(13973.20)>>
127 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 437.442 207.266 525.716 222.266]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 11)/TU(Construction, renovation, and real property5)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
128 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 438.042 166.466 524.617 205.466]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 12)/TU(Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional equipment or software to enable distance learning, or upgrading campus wi-fi access or extending open networks to parking lots or public spaces, etc.)/Type/Annot/V(0885.93)>>
129 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 437.682 138.986 525.476 165.026]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 13)/TU(Implementing evidence-based practices to monitor and suppress coronavirus in accordance with public health guidelines.6)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
130 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 437.415 482.231 525.941 562.391]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 14)/TU(students to care; and investing in community services and creating)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
131 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 439.233 414.551 526.308 480.431]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 15)/TU(Conducting direct outreach to financial aid applicants about the opportunity to receive a financial aid adjustment due to the recent unemployment of a family member or independent student, or other circumstances, described in section 479A of the Higher Education Act of 1965.8)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
132 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 438.495 378.191 526.049 412.474]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 16)/TU(Replacing lost revenue from all sources.9)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
133 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 438.495 341.711 526.548 375.994]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 17)/TU(Other Uses of \(a\)\(1\) Institutional Portion funds.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
134 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 438.042 521.786 525.614 560.666]/Subtype/Widget/T(a2 4)/TU(Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
135 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Rect[ 528.24 201.6 616.32 227.52]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 1)/TU(Amount in \(a\)\(3\) dollars, if applicable_Providing additional emergency financial aid grants to students.4)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
136 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Rect[ 529.597 159.803 616.957 198.803]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 2)/TU(Amount in \(a\)\(3\) dollars, if applicable_Covering student outstanding account balances for costs such as debt forgiveness, room, board, tuition, or fees.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
137 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 248 0 R /Rect[ 528.24 133.44 616.32 159.36]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 3)/TU(Amount in \(a\)\(3\) dollars, if applicable_Indirect cost recovery/facilities and administrative costs charged on the grants.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
138 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 529.02 521.786 616.593 560.666]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 4)/TU(Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
139 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 528.66 493.928 615.956 519.848]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 5)/TU(Providing or subsidizing the costs of high-speed internet to students or faculty to transition to an online environment.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
140 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 527.7 413.306 615.727 493.706]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 6)/TU(or decisions to limit housing to one student per room; subsidizing)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
141 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 529.02 372.506 616.094 411.506]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 7)/TU(Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre-packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
142 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 529.02 331.826 616.094 370.706]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 8)/TU(Costs related to operating additional class sections to enable social distancing, such as those for hiring more instructors and increasing campus hours of operations.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
143 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 529.02 264.146 616.094 330.026]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 9)/TU(Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional instructional equipment and supplies \(such as laboratory equipment or computers\) to reduce the number of students sharing equipment or supplies during a single class period and to provide time for disinfection between uses.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
144 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 529.02 223.466 615.596 262.346]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 10)/TU(Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
145 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 529.02 166.466 615.596 205.466]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 12)/TU(Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional equipment or software to enable distance learning, or upgrading campus wi-fi access or extending open networks to parking lots or public spaces, etc.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
146 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 529.158 138.986 616.953 165.026]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 13)/TU(Implementing evidence-based practices to monitor and suppress coronavirus in accordance with public health guidelines.6)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
147 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 527.132 481.722 615.658 561.882]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 14)/TU(students to care; and investing in community services and creating)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
148 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 528.452 413.544 615.526 479.424]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 15)/TU(Conducting direct outreach to financial aid applicants about the opportunity to receive a financial aid adjustment due to the recent unemployment of a family member or independent student, or other circumstances, described in section 479A of the Higher Education Act of 1965.8)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
149 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 528.212 377.682 615.767 411.965]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 16)/TU(Replacing lost revenue from all sources.9)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
150 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 528.212 341.202 616.265 375.485]/Subtype/Widget/T(a3 17)/TU(Other Uses of \(a\)\(1\) Institutional Portion funds.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
151 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 248 0 R /Rect[ 618.36 201.6 756 227.52]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 1)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Providing additional emergency financial aid grants to students.4)/Type/Annot>>
152 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 248 0 R /Rect[ 619.218 160.8 756.138 199.8]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 2)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Covering student outstanding account balances for costs such as debt forgiveness, room, board, tuition, or fees.)/Type/Annot>>
153 0 obj
<>/DR<>/Font<>>>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 248 0 R /Rect[ 618.36 133.44 756 159.36]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 3)/TU(Explanatory Notes_Indirect cost recovery/facilities and administrative costs charged on the grants.)/Type/Annot>>
154 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 618.239 522.035 755.654 560.915]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 4)/TU(Covering the cost of providing additional technology hardware to students, such as laptops or tablets, or covering the added cost of technology fees.)/Type/Annot>>
155 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 617.879 494.675 755.018 520.595]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 5)/TU(Providing or subsidizing the costs of high-speed internet to students or faculty to transition to an online environment.)/Type/Annot>>
156 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 617.417 413.555 755.287 493.955]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 6)/TU(or decisions to limit housing to one student per room; subsidizing)/Type/Annot>>
157 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 618.239 372.755 754.658 411.755]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 7)/TU(Subsidizing food service to reduce density in eating facilities, to provide pre-packaged meals, or to add hours to food service operations to accommodate social distancing.)/Type/Annot>>
158 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 618.239 332.075 755.156 370.955]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 8)/TU(Costs related to operating additional class sections to enable social distancing, such as those for hiring more instructors and increasing campus hours of operations.)/Type/Annot>>
159 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 618.239 264.395 755.156 330.275]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 9)/TU(Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional instructional equipment and supplies \(such as laboratory equipment or computers\) to reduce the number of students sharing equipment or supplies during a single class period and to provide time for disinfection between uses.)/Type/Annot>>
160 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 618.239 166.715 755.156 205.715]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 12)/TU(Purchasing, leasing, or renting additional equipment or software to enable distance learning, or upgrading campus wi-fi access or extending open networks to parking lots or public spaces, etc.)/Type/Annot>>
161 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 617.879 139.235 755.018 165.275]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 13)/TU(Implementing evidence-based practices to monitor and suppress coronavirus in accordance with public health guidelines.6)/Type/Annot>>
162 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 618.395 481.672 754.272 561.832]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 14)/TU(students to care; and investing in community services and creating)/Type/Annot>>
163 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 620.214 414.49 755.635 480.37]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 15)/TU(Conducting direct outreach to financial aid applicants about the opportunity to receive a financial aid adjustment due to the recent unemployment of a family member or independent student, or other circumstances, described in section 479A of the Higher Education Act of 1965.8)/Type/Annot>>
164 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 619.475 377.632 754.879 411.915]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 16)/TU(Replacing lost revenue from all sources.9)/Type/Annot>>
165 0 obj
166 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 240 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 356.64 392.76 404.88]/Subtype/Widget/T(totalStudentaidStudent)/TU(Total students_How many students received HEERF emergency financial aid grants using \(a\)\(1\) Student Aid Portion?)/Type/Annot/V(43)>>
167 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 240 0 R /Rect[ 395.52 356.64 478.2 404.88]/Subtype/Widget/T(underStudentaidStudent)/TU(Undergraduates2_How many students received HEERF emergency financial aid grants using \(a\)\(1\) Student Aid Portion?)/Type/Annot/V(35)>>
168 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 240 0 R /Rect[ 480.96 356.64 734.76 404.88]/Subtype/Widget/T(gradStudentaidStudent)/TU(Graduates_How many students received HEERF emergency financial aid grants using \(a\)\(1\) Student Aid Portion?)/Type/Annot/V(8\r\n)>>
169 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 240 0 R /Rect[ 480.96 302.4 734.76 354.84]/Subtype/Widget/T(gradStudentaidInstitutional)/TU(Graduates_How many students received HEERF emergency financial aid grants using \(a\)\(1\) Institutional Portion?)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
170 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 240 0 R /Rect[ 395.52 302.4 478.2 354.84]/Subtype/Widget/T(underStudentaidInstitutional)/TU(Undergraduates2_How many students received HEERF emergency financial aid grants using \(a\)\(1\) Institutional Portion?)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
171 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/P 240 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 302.898 392.76 355.338]/Subtype/Widget/T(totalStudentaidInstitutional)/TU(Total students_How many students received HEERF emergency financial aid grants using \(a\)\(1\) Institutional Portion?)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
172 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 240 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 249.24 392.76 300.6]/Subtype/Widget/T(ztotalstudenta1)/TU(Total students_What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants this quarter?)/Type/Annot/V($82,149.00)>>
173 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 292 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 305.88 392.76 358.32]/Subtype/Widget/T(ztotalinstitutionala1)/TU(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants?)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
174 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 292 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 102.942 392.76 168.822]/Subtype/Widget/T(ztotalinstitutionala2)/TU(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
175 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 359.64 392.76 425.4]/Subtype/Widget/T(ztotalinstitutionala3)/TU(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
176 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DR<>/Font<>>>/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 332.04 130.32 392.76 196.2]/Subtype/Widget/T(ztotalinstitutionala4)/TU(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
177 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 306 0 R /Rect[ 395.05 467.703 478.199 506.703]/Subtype/Widget/T(heerf undergrad)/TU(What was the amount of grants disbursed to students through all HEERF funds?)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
178 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 306 0 R /Rect[ 481.277 467.1 734.89 506.1]/Subtype/Widget/T(heerf grad)/TU(What was the amount of grants disbursed to students through all HEERF funds?)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
179 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 306 0 R /Rect[ 395.05 413.463 478.199 465.903]/Subtype/Widget/T(undergrad average)/TU(Among students who received HEERF emergency financial aid grants, what was the average award amount per student?)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
180 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 306 0 R /Rect[ 480.779 412.861 735.388 465.301]/Subtype/Widget/T(grad average)/TU(Among students who received HEERF emergency financial aid grants, what was the average award amount per student?)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
181 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 292 0 R /Rect[ 395.384 360.203 478.534 560.243]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balance upon receiving affirmative written consent from students to do so If funds were not used for this purpose report 0 Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants1)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E63652075706F6E20726563656976696E672061666669726D6174697665207772697474656E20636F6E73656E742066726F6D2073747564656E747320746F20646F20736F3F2049662066756E64732077657265206E6F74207573656420666F72207468697320707572706F73652C207265706F72742024302E20496E636C756465206F6E6C7920616D6F756E747320746861742062656E6566697465642073747564656E74732077686F20646964206469726563746C79207265636569766520456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E74732E>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
182 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 292 0 R /Rect[ 480.53 359.953 734.142 559.993]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balance upon receiving affirmative written consent from students to do so If funds were not used for this purpose report 0 Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants2)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E63652075706F6E20726563656976696E672061666669726D6174697665207772697474656E20636F6E73656E742066726F6D2073747564656E747320746F20646F20736F3F2049662066756E64732077657265206E6F74207573656420666F72207468697320707572706F73652C207265706F72742024302E20496E636C756465206F6E6C7920616D6F756E747320746861742062656E6566697465642073747564656E74732077686F20646964206469726563746C79207265636569766520456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E74732E>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
183 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 292 0 R /Rect[ 394.8 171.203 478.448 304.163]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balances If funds were not used for this purpose report 0 Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants1)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E6365733F2049662066756E64732077657265206E6F74207573656420666F72207468697320707572706F73652C207265706F72742024302E20496E636C756465206F6E6C7920616D6F756E747320746861742062656E6566697465642073747564656E74732077686F20646964206469726563746C79207265636569766520456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E74732E>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
184 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 292 0 R /Rect[ 480.53 170.953 734.641 303.913]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balances If funds were not used for this purpose report 0 Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants2)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E6365733F2049662066756E64732077657265206E6F74207573656420666F72207468697320707572706F73652C207265706F72742024302E20496E636C756465206F6E6C7920616D6F756E747320746861742062656E6566697465642073747564656E74732077686F20646964206469726563746C79207265636569766520456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E74732E>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
185 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 394.302 428.502 477.95 561.462]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balances If funds were not used for this purpose report 0 Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants_21)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E6365733F2049662066756E64732077657265206E6F74207573656420666F72207468697320707572706F73652C207265706F72742024302E20496E636C756465206F6E6C7920616D6F756E747320746861742062656E6566697465642073747564656E74732077686F20646964206469726563746C79207265636569766520456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E74732E>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
186 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 481.029 427.007 734.142 559.967]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balances If funds were not used for this purpose report 0 Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants_22)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E6365733F2049662066756E64732077657265206E6F74207573656420666F72207468697320707572706F73652C207265706F72742024302E20496E636C756465206F6E6C7920616D6F756E747320746861742062656E6566697465642073747564656E74732077686F20646964206469726563746C79207265636569766520456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E74732E>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
187 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 394.302 199.302 478.448 359.142]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balances If funds were not used for this purpose report 0 Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants_31)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E6365733F2049662066756E64732077657265206E6F74207573656420666F72207468697320707572706F73652C207265706F72742024302E20496E636C756465206F6E6C7920616D6F756E747320746861742062656E6566697465642073747564656E74732077686F20646964206469726563746C79207265636569766520456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E74732E>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
188 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 481.029 197.807 733.146 357.647]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balances If funds were not used for this purpose report 0 Include only amounts that benefited students who did directly receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants_32)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E6365733F2049662066756E64732077657265206E6F74207573656420666F72207468697320707572706F73652C207265706F72742024302E20496E636C756465206F6E6C7920616D6F756E747320746861742062656E6566697465642073747564656E74732077686F20646964206469726563746C79207265636569766520456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E74732E>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
189 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 394.302 133.161 478.448 197.502]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants If funds were not used for this purpose report 0_31)/TU(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
190 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 481.029 130.625 734.142 196.505]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants If funds were not used for this purpose report 0_32)/TU(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
191 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 394.302 77.3819 477.95 129.822]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balance1)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E6365>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
192 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 481.029 75.8865 733.644 128.327]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants applied to satisfy students outstanding account balance2)/TU<57686174207761732074686520616D6F756E74206F6620456D657267656E63792046696E616E6369616C20416964204772616E7473206170706C69656420746F20736174697366792073747564656E749073206F75747374616E64696E67206163636F756E742062616C616E6365>/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
193 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 0 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 218 0 R /Rect[ 614.564 538.163 715.219 560.163]/Subtype/Widget/T(lease)/Type/Annot>>
194 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 0 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 218 0 R /Rect[ 614.129 491.544 714.784 513.544]/Subtype/Widget/T(other operating revenue1)/Type/Annot>>
195 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 0 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 218 0 R /Rect[ 614.079 514.024 714.734 536.024]/Subtype/Widget/T(royalties1)/Type/Annot>>
196 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 618.239 223.715 755.156 262.595]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 10)/TU(Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities.)/Type/Annot>>
197 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 320 0 R /Rect[ 618.141 206.3 755.058 222.097]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 11)/TU(Purchasing faculty and staff training in online instruction; or paying additional funds to staff who are providing training in addition to their regular job responsibilities.)/Type/Annot>>
198 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 619.475 340.653 754.879 374.936]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 17)/TU(Other Uses of \(a\)\(1\) Institutional Portion funds.)/Type/Annot>>
199 0 obj
<>/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 4096/MK<<>>/P 211 0 R /Rect[ 620.949 324.528 756.353 337.779]/Subtype/Widget/T(a4 18)/TU(Other Uses of \(a\)\(1\) Institutional Portion funds.)/Type/Annot>>
200 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 292 0 R /Rect[ 480.53 307.464 735.139 359.904]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants1)/TU(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants?)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
201 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 292 0 R /Rect[ 480.53 103.772 735.139 169.652]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants If funds were not used for this purpose report 10)/TU(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
202 0 obj
<>/DA(/Helv 12 Tf 0 g)/DV(0)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 299 0 R /Rect[ 481.029 359.447 735.139 425.207]/Subtype/Widget/T(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants If funds were not used for this purpose report 0_12)/TU(What was the amount disbursed directly to students as Emergency Financial Aid Grants? If funds were not used for this purpose, report $0.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>>
203 0 obj
204 0 obj
205 0 obj
206 0 obj
207 0 obj
208 0 obj
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