Benjamin Edwards In The News

A lawsuit filed in Delaware in April against the travel site Tripadvisor and its majority shareholder is highlighting what may be a growing trend: companies seeking to shift their incorporations to Nevada to avoid Delaware’s more stringent and entrenched legal standards.

Wealth Management
Kathy Piniewski is adamant that she wasn’t looking for her investments to make her rich. Piniewski, who worked in a suburb of Buffalo, N.Y., while spending part of each year in Florida, told she’d managed her retirement savings well—she had an IRA and annuity through Bank of America.
Human Rights Magazine
Corporate political donations now raise a mix of ethical, legal, and business issues.
Investment News
When the Biden administration nominated Gary Gensler to be SEC chair, Knut Rostad had high hopes that the agency would fortify fiduciary duty, the standard of care for investment advisers that he has devoted his professional life to defending.